Thanks for your interest in volunteering with GallopNYC šŸ“

GallopNYC is a non-proļ¬t organization based in New York City that oļ¬€ers therapeutic horsemanship programs to children and adults with disabilities. 

Therapeutic horsemanship teaches the skills of horseback riding and horse knowledge to build developmental,emotional, social, and physical skills for each individual rider.Under the direction of a PATH International certiļ¬ed instructor, supported by trained volunteers, each rider progressively acquires riding skills and measurable improvements in life skills. Through weekly sessions, we help riders walk, talk, learn and have FUN! Therapeutic horsemanship means learning to ride a horse but it means much more – it means building a bond with a horse, learning to care for a horse, understanding how horses perceive the world and respond to people, and ultimately being a leader to a horse.

As a volunteer, you'll be able to help in any way that you feel comfortable: from working with our therapeutic riders, to working with our horses, helping with events or even supporting us in the office,  we're glad to have you.

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